Thursday, August 30, 2012

what is JCA and JCE?

Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)

 Java Cryptographic Extensions (JCE)

 The JCE is essentially a framework under the JCA and extends the JCA by simply exposing
more engines and including an additional provider, the SUNJCE provider, that includes one or
more implementations for each engine

The JCE framework places its classes in a different package, javax.crypto. Some of the
JCE specific aspects are Cipher Class (for performing encryption and decryption operations),
KeyGenerator (for producing secret keys used by ciphers), SecretKeyFactory (that operate
exclusively on SecretKey instances), KeyAgreement, and MAC

The term provider refers to a package or set of packages that implement one or more cryptographic services, such as digital signature algorithms, message digest algorithms, and key conversion services

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